We are engaged in research and research-based theoretical and clinical teaching within a range of subject areas. Our employees have individual areas of responsibility that synergistically interact across subject and research areas. You can find more detailed information about our research here Oral Ecology and Inflammation (au.dk).
Our research and teaching focus on hard dental tissue diseases, with the main emphasis on caries and caries control.
We provide specialized expertise to Disaster Victim Identification Team Denmark, Vestdansk Odontologisk Landsdels- og Videncenter, and the Danish Health Authority.
Read more about the research at Oral Ecology and Inflammation (au.dk).
Uddannelse Education
Our undergraduate teaching covers dental caries, erosion, resorption, dental fluorosis and other developmental disorders of the teeth, caries control, operative and aesthetic dentistry, as well as forensic odontology.
We deal with research and teaching within the subject Periodontology - diseases of the supporting tissues of the teeth.
Our biggest priority lies in treatment provided by the students, where the dental students carry out periodontal treatment in the last part of their studies in close collaboration with the school's clinical instructors. The students do not have the opportunity to perform all types of periodontal treatment, and therefore some cases cannot be treated at the university clinics.
Periodontal treatment performed by students under supervision is more time-consuming than treatment in private practice. During certain treatment periods, patients may need to come for appointments 1-2 times a week, while in other periods, they may need to come less frequently. This indicates that the nature of student-led periodontal treatment requires more frequent visits and longer treatment durations compared to regular practice.
Our research activities cover aspects of diagnosis, epidemiology, etiology and treatment of periodontal disease. Read more about the research at the Section for Oral Ecology here Oral Ecology and Inflammation (au.dk).
We carry out examination, diagnostics, and treatment of complicated periodontal conditions/examination of complicated disease cases.
Paediatric dentistry is an interdisciplinary discipline that includes all aspects of oral health and dental care for children and adolescents, and we teach and carry out research within this field.
In addition, we put our specialist skills at the disposal for "Vestdansk Odontologisk Landsdels- og Videnscenter".
We have a great interest in all areas of paediatric dentistry. However, we have a particular focus on the causes and treatment of periodontitis in children and adolescents, as well as mineralization disorders in children and adolescents.
The dental students build up their competencies and clinical skills to maintain and treat paeditric patients at the paediatric clinic. In the scientific and theoretical track, we convey evidence-based knowledge within all fields of paediatric dentistry.
We collaborate closely with the dental clinics in the Municipality of Aarhus, e.g., in treating patients.
We give lectures, conferences, workshops, and postgraduate education to all professions in dentistry within the field of paediatric dentistry.
Specialist Clinic for Paediatric Dentistry
We provide professional consultancy as well as diagnostics and treatment of referred paediatric patients in close collaboration with relevant colleagues from other areas of dentistry.
Furthermore, we offer microbiological analysis as part of examining, diagnosing, and treating children and adolescents.
We are part of the Highly Specialized Treatment Unit (HSBE), where we treat patients referred from the West Danish Odontological Regional and Knowledge Center.
We teach and do research in the subject areas of Anatomy and General and Oral Histology. Knowledge of the oral anatomy and histology under healthy conditions is an important prerequisite for understanding diseases in the tissues, and is an essential starting point for research as well as for being able to diagnose and carry out disease control.
We teach with the aim of enabling the student to explain the basic statistical methods and epidemiological principles that underlie dental practice, research, and diagnostics.
Our research is dedicated to examining the use of dental services within the general population and special groups. By analyzing health registers, we explore the relationship between systemic diseases and dental service use. The overarching goal is to gather insights that inform the allocation of dental services.