We carry out research and teaching within the fields of oral radiology and endodontics. We also offer radiographic examinations and diagnosis of teeth and jaw for patients referred in-house and external patients referred from dentists or dental hygienists.
The section is renowned for a high level of teamwork among highly specialised and skilled staff. For years, the academic staff at the section have made an impact on research and education in the respective fields, both nationally and internationally. We offer our special expertise for Odontologisk Landsdels- og Videnscenter (the regional centre of knowledge for dental research), Retslægerådet (the council of coroners) and Sundhedsstyrelsen (National Board of Health).
Aarhus University is renowned internationally for delivering cutting-edge research within oral radiology and several researchers from the subject area have published articles that are well-cited and have formed the basis of procedures, guidelines and further development of radiographic equipment. Presently, our research is focused on the use of CBCT for various diagnostic and treatment purposes and how we can optimize and produce high-quality images. As the first dental school in the world, Aarhus University has installed a dental MR scanner. The scanner now forms the basis of research, which shall qualify how dental MR can be used in the future.
We are in charge of teaching oral radiology, firstly as an independent course in the bachelor-programme in odontology, and secondly cross-curricular in the master programme in odontology covering the fields of endodontics, dentoalveolar surgery, implantology and pedodontics. At the clinical section, we teach dental students how to take intraoral radiographs as well as extra oral radiographs on patients referred from other sections at the dentistry degree programme.
The radiology clinic is open every day for enquiries regarding radiographs of teeth and jaw. Our three x-ray photographers take the radiographs.
For payment, we offer a number of radiographic examinations and reporting, and reporting of radiographs and CBCT-scans sent to us.
Our research within the discipline of endodontics focuses on these areas:
We are part of an extensive international network where we work together on developing international clinical guidelines for treatment of endodontic disease.
We are in charge of teaching endodontics in the bachelor and master programmes in odontology. The primary aim(s) for teaching in endodontics is that the dental student:
In connection with the clinical training, we use among other things surgery microscopes as didactic tool to visualise treatment sequences and elements.
Section for Oral Radiology and Endodontics
Department of Dentistry and Oral Health
Aarhus University
Vennelyst Boulevard 9
8000 Aarhus C
Show address on a map
Phone: +45 93 50 80 01
Email: dorthe.vilhelmsen@dent.au.dk
Opening hours:
Monday - Thursday 8:00-15:50
Friday 8:00-12:30
Clinic: +45 21 84 47 73
Office hours all days: 7.30-14.00
Email: rtgklin@dent.au.dk