

Our research explores mechanisms behind chronic orofacial pain conditions using methods for assessment of somatosensory function such as quantitative sensory testing or neurophysiological tests. In addition, we also study oral processing of food in different patient populations with impaired oral function.

We operate a clinic for orofacial anomalies and our research domains focus on growth and progress of abnormal development, specifically in juvenile arthritis and other growth disturbances implying diagnosis, basic etiology, morbidity, imaging, timing and effect of orthopedic treatment and other interventions.

Associate Professors

Our research develops knowledge in the field of Dental Sleep Medicine under a comprehensive view of orofacial physiology. Our projects’ goal is to unveil the unknown pathophysiological mechanisms and possible interrelationships of sleep related orofacial problems such us obstructive sleep apnea, bruxism and pain.

Our research group strives to understand, invent and improve dental cements, which will lead to better sealing of coronal dentin for the treatment of dental disease. To achieve this goal, we have a wide range of methods from molecular studies, cell cultures, animal studies to clinical studies in man.

Assistant Professors and Postdocs

Various properties of dental materials are decisive for a successful treatment in dentistry. My main research interest involves assessment of biocompatibility, mechanical properties, and clinical performance of dental materials with focus on materials used in prosthodontics, digital dentistry, and calcium silicate cements.

My research focus is to understand orofacial mechanisms of referred pain, and those mechanisms contributing to the comorbidity seen between orofacial pain and headache disorders. I use experimental clinical models of orofacial pain and headache disorders and patient based research with multiple methods.