Periodontitis researcher honoured with international award

Associate Professor Gustavo Nascimento from Aarhus University is being honoured with an international award in recognition of his impressive research contribution within the dental, oral and craniofacial field.

[Translate to English:] Lektor Gustavo Nascimento modtager prisen Centennial Emerging Leader Award for sit imponerende forskningsbidrag inden for sammenhængen mellem parodontitis og sygdomme andre steder i kroppen. Foto: Health Kommunikation

The worldwide International Association for Dental Research (IADR) has established the Centennial Emerging Leader Award to mark its 100th anniversary. Gustavo Nascimento from the Department of Dentistry and Oral Health is the first recipient of the new award because he has, despite his young age, already made a significant contribution to the orofacial research field and has the potential as a research director to define global research in the field.

Gustavo Nascimento conducts research into diseases of the teeth and oral cavity, and in particular the correlation between periodontitis and diseases in other parts of the body. At present he is engaged in examining whether inflammatory conditions in the mouth have an effect on the sense of smell and taste. Gustavo Nascimento has worked all over the world and is involved in many international research collaborations. This has also contributed to his impressive research results and the international recognition.

The Centennial Emerging Leader Award includes a cash prize of USD 5,000.


Associate Professor Gustavo Nascimento
Aarhus University, Department of Dentistry and Oral Health
Mobile: (+45) 5376  6143