New research into whether periodontitis affects our sense of smell and taste

People with periodontitis often have bad breath, but cannot smell it themselves. A new research project at Aarhus University will now study whether the ability to smell and taste is affected by inflammation in the mouth. The project is funded by Aarhus University Research Foundation.

[Translate to English:] Tandlæge og lektor Gustavo Nascimento står i spidsen for det nye forskningsprojekt på Institut for Odontologi og Oral Sundhed. Foto: Health Kommunikation

It is common knowledge among dentists that periodontitis and other inflammatory conditions in the mouth can lead to bad breath. But no one knows why periodontitis patients cannot smell this themselves. This conundrum will now be the subject of a study by associate professor and dentist Gustavo Nascimento from the Department of Dentistry and Oral Health.

As taste and smell are two closely linked senses, he will also investigate whether the ability to taste is affected. Among other things, it is known that inflammation of the mouth can cause a constant taste of blood regardless of how often a person brushes their teeth or chews gum.

The three-year research project has received DKK three million in funding from Aarhus University Research Foundation.


Associate Professor, Dentist & PhD Gustavo Nascimento
Aarhus University, Department of Dentistry and Oral Health
Mobile: (+45) 5376 6143